A Family of Salish & Kootenai Tribally Owned Businesses

Career Center

Making a Difference


我们的员工共同致力于在政府合同中追求卓越,同时创造一个富有吸引力的工作环境,让我们的员工有机会成长, develop, and excel. Every employee throughout S&K can contribute their best work each day, in every interaction, with our customers, our vendors, and with each other.

我们重视并鼓励员工对股东萨利希联盟的承诺 & Kootenai Tribes, 正如我们重视和支持他们对他们生活和工作的社区的承诺一样.

S&K is a place where you are rewarded, encouraged, and valued for the difference you make for our customers and, most importantly, in the lives of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes located in Montana. Look at what we offer.

Boy at Powwow
SKT Team Photo

Workplace Notices

所有符合条件的申请人都将被考虑雇用,而不考虑种族, Color, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, National Origin, Disability, Veteran Status or any other federally protected class.

Employee Testimonials

S&K为我提供了非常独特和充实的机会, even right out of college, 这使我能够对我选择的行业产生真正的影响,同时仍然挑战我,鼓励我作为一名工程师成长.


Engineer II

I have been with S&K for just about 4 years. 我爱我的工作家庭,我的上司和经理,他们相信我,给我成长的机会. 与政府合作与商用飞机领域有点不同,但我喜欢它.


Quality Assurance Specialist, S&K Aerospace

I’ve been with S&K going on 5 years and love everything it stands for! 和我一起工作的人和公司文化是锦上添花! As S&K成长,每个人都是它成功故事的重要组成部分,也是我们前进的方向. You aren’t just a number here – you’re family! S&K关心它的员工,并将尽一切努力帮助每个人实现他们的个人目标, both professionally and personally.


Executive Assistant, Aerospace Business Unit

The employees at S&K are a family and we all share the same passion for our work. That passion enables us to get the job done, to help improve the life of others, and most importantly, improve the life on the Flathead Reservation. That hard work is what family does for each other.


Warehouse Manager, S&K Logistics Services

我们处理挑战和发展机遇的方式总是让我倍受鼓舞. I’m eager to see how our team will continue to improve.


Rotary Wing Supervisor, S&K Support Services

Working with S&多年来,K一直是我生活中积极的一部分,对我的直系亲属也是如此. 我们都与许多与我一起工作或为之效力的人建立了友谊和家庭般的关系. S&K truly cares about each of their employees and their families.


Financial Specialist II, S&K Logistics Services

自2016年从沙特皇家空军退役以来,我一直在S&K航空航天公司过去的4年确实是,现在仍然是我职业生涯中一个非常美丽的阶段. Serving S&K培养了我的专业技能,给了我很好的感觉. 为S服务是我最大的荣誉,我将永远珍惜&K Aerospace.


Business Development Manager, S&K Aerospace

Being with AE&从一开始,我就为它的发展感到无比自豪. Since becoming part of S&我们的业务以我无法想象的方式发展和改进. With the level of support and guidance that S&K provides, AE&C正迅速成为全球市场上的顶级FAA维修站. With that realization, I am proud and grateful to be an S&K employee and eagerly anticipate the bright future for our shop.


Maintenance Manager, AE&C Services

在这家公司工作,任何人都有成长和成功的机会, given the desire to do so. The support system I’ve found at S&K is second to none. 我希望在未来的许多年里继续与公司一起成长.


Quality Systems Administrator, Aerospace Business Unit

在一家赞赏你所有努力的公司工作很容易, even if they are just a small piece of the puzzle. 看到公司进一步支持和回馈当地社区, 同时致力于为客户提供优质的产品, makes me very proud to be an S&K employee.


Technical Illustrator, S&K Logistics Services

我非常感谢这家公司为我提供的许多机会,以及一路走来的全面支持! The work-life balance is definitely a plus!


Deputy Program Manager, S&K Aerospace

S&K是一家真正重视员工的公司,提供有意义、令人满意的工作. 我的动力来自于别人对我的能力和经验的信任和信心. Plus they seek to promote from within – I am proof of that.


Vice President of Operations, S&K Federal Services

As a leader in S&K, I work to balance the needs of my teams and my customers. 我认为这是我实现我们共同目标和建立稳固关系的机会.


VP, Operations, S&K Engineering and Research

每一天都是一个新的挑战,让我扩展我的知识,为我们的客户尽我最大的努力. I love turning challenge into opportunity.


Vice President, Operations, S&K Global Solutions

My entire 20-year career with S&K has been filled with support, encouragement, motivation, empowerment, trust, and building me to my next level. 我的职业和个人生活都得到了支持,我无法想象自己在其他地方工作. S&K is my family.


Program Manager, S&K Aerospace

I spent almost half of my life serving in the Air Force. S&K公司在许多不同的合同中为世界各地的军队提供支持. I am very proud to be part of a company that loves and supports its military service members; it gives me the feeling of continuing my service to this great country.


Program Manager, S&K Support Services

对我来说,能够成为勇士的一员为我的部落服务是一种莫大的荣幸&K team, 在那里我们致力于为客户提供卓越的服务,并支持和提高我的萨利希和库特奈部落成员.


General Manager, Critical Mission Support Business Unit

在来美国之前,我对印第安人和他们的文化知之甚少. Being part of the S&K family for seven years has changed that for me, and I am now very proud to serve the Salish, Kootenai, and Pend d'Oreille people!


Vice President, Operations, S&K Logistics Services

Working in IT is my dream job and S&K让我有机会在一个很棒的地方和一家很棒的公司生活和工作.


Sr. Systems Manager, S&K Technologies, Inc. (Corporate)

Benefits Information

At S&K,我们知道你的价值远远超过你在工作时间所做的工作. 我们的福利选择旨在支持您并帮助您满足工作场所之外的需求. Below offers a glimpse at some of our benefit offerings.

We value our employees and the amazing contribution they make, so it is only right to invest in their future. At S&K, 我们相信培训和学习是每个员工经历中不可或缺的一部分,我们提供了几种方法,让员工可以将这一信念付诸实践.



  • Medical, dental, 视力保险从你被录用后的第一个月开始.
  • 一个帮助你为未来做准备和计划的退休计划.
  • Life and AD&D insurance
  • Health Savings Accounts (HSA, FSA)

Work/Life Balance

  • A generous Paid Time Off program
  • Holiday Pay
  • Jury Duty Pay
  • Bereavement Pay
  • Disability benefits for medical leave


  • 员工援助计划,适用于您和您的整个家庭
  • Care-giver recommendations and Childcare options
  • Continued encouragement to be healthy

Learning & Growing

  • Tuition assistance to support your educational goals.
  • 为推进你的职业目标所需要的认可证书的学费报销.
  • Learning resources that offer self-paced or refresher content.
  • Manager support as you work toward your future you.

Join our Team

Knowledge of The Past. Vision for The Future.

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